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Joomla Google Plus One Plugin

Google recently introduced a +1 button which works in very similar way to the Facebook “Like” button: it allows you to express a vote of liking to the page you’re reading.

Since a customer asked us to include it in oure Joomla pages, we quickly came up with a Joomla Plugin which allows you to insert this buttonin your pages just by using the “{googlebutton}” syntax.

We decided to make it a “substitution plugin” (i.e. it only puts the button where it finds the string) instead of a “fixed plugin” (i.e. one that puts the button on every page) because the former can easily be made to behave like the latter. E.g.:

  • you can insert the string {googlebutton} in your main Joomla template and it will show in every page
  • or, you can insert the string in your flypage template and it will shows in every VirtueMart page
  • or, you can insert the string in a module, which is then assigned to specific menu items, and it will shows only in those pages

You can download the Joomla Google Plus One Plugin from here.